Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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37,EV. JAMES CRISP,Methodist minister,Sussex, N.B., wasborn at Stratton, Norfolk,England, September 26th,1849. He is the second sonof James and Sarah Crisp.He received his educationat Brook's Academy, atAbout the age ofStratton.fourteen he was converted,and when nineteen years ofage, was superintendent ofthe Sabbath School of theWesleyan Church, at Stratton,and was enrolled as alocal preacher, under thesuperintendency of Rev.T. G. Keeling, and startedon the AttleborroughNew andBuckingham circuit,where he remained for twoyears and nine months. Atthat time, application wasmade on behalf of the Conferenceof Eastern BritishAmerica, for men, and afterdue consideration, he concludedto <strong>com</strong>e to America,arriving at Halifax, 28th ofJune, 1872. After spendinghis first year in this country,he has never removed from a station ber 4th, 1876, to Mary, second daughteruntil his full term of three years has ofexpired. He Rev. James C. Knapton, of Hapton,was ordained at the Conferencein St. Stephen, N.B., June, 1876, 9th, 1886. His family consists of fiveNorfolk, England, who died Septemberand has had continuous success. Duringhis stay on children, three girls and two boys.the Salisbury circuit, the He is a member of the Masonic Order,congregations largely increased, and and was Worshipful Master for a term50 were added to the church, and duringhis stay at Pointe de Bute circuit, member of the I.O.F., and High Chap-before <strong>com</strong>ing to his present charge, lain to the Order for New Brunswick,of two years. He is also an active98 new members were added. Mr. and has been the preacher of its anniversaryCrisp, was for five years assistantsecretary of the New sermons. He has also taken aBrunswick Conference,and in 1892, by an almost the Scott Act. During his short staydeep interest in the enforcement ofunanimous vote, was elected to the office at Sussex,of secretary. He the improved condition ofwas married, Septem- the church is most satisfactory.

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