Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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421ORTON IRWIN GRAIN, M.D.,C.M., Selkirk, Man., was bornAugust Qth, 1863, at Fergus, Out.His parents were William and MaryHis(Orton) Grain, of English descent.father was a native of Gibraltar, a brotherof Major Gen. Edward Grain, of theBritish Army, and died in 1877. Hismother was a sister of Dr. G. T. Orton,Ex-M.P. for Centre Wellington, Ont,but now of Winnipeg. Dr. Grain waseducated in the public and High schoolsof Fergus, passed his matriculation,studied medicine in the Toronto Schoolof Medicine, and graduated from VictoriaUniversity, in the Spring of 1886.He was assistant surgeonfor the C.P.R., two and onehalf years before graduation,after which he was surgeonfor Manitoba & North-WesternRailway for six months.He then went to Banff andtook charge of the Sanitariumfor Dr. Brett, and wasalso surgeon for the C.P.R.,from Can more, Alberta, toDonald, B.C., six months.He then practiced in Manitou,Man., nine months,and was subsequently inpartnership, with Dr. Orton,of Winnipeg, one year, afterwhich he settled in Selkirk.He has now taken into partnership,his cousin, Dr. R.H. Orton, at Selkirk. Dr.Grain is one of the directorsof the Winnipeg and SelkirkElectric Railway, and isalso largely interested inthe Lake Winnipeg FishCompany. He is a memberof the Selkirk Council,health officer for the townand municipalities of St.Andrew's and St. Clement's,and coroner for Manitoba.He isan Episcopalian in religion, alsoa member of, and physician to theI.O.O.F., I.O.F., S.O.E., A.O.U.W r .,and Clan Cameron. In 1892, he madea professional trip, for the Government,of over three hundred miles, in a canoe,visiting all Indian reserves from Westburn,North Lake Manitoba, and Waterhento Waterhen Lake, then to LakeWinnipeg, Lake Cedar, Charnahone,thence back toCross Lake and southeastto Grand Rapids, and home viaLake Winnipeg. He was married,October 7th, 1890, to Annie, daughterof Thomas Cull, of Winnipeg. Hisfamily consistsl'of two children.

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