Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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420 MEN OK"Y\/ILLIAM DAVID HEPBURN,r- \ of the firm of Hepburn & Co.,Shoe Manufacturers, Preston, Out.,was born in the Township of EastWhitby, Ontario County, Ont., October2nd, 1835. His parents were John andHelen (Williamson) Hepburn. Theformer was a prosperous and wellknownfarmer in that township. Mr.Hepburn began and finished his educationat the public schools.His earlylife was spent on a farm. When ayoung man, he learned the waggonmaking business, but afterwards concludedto farm on his own account,which he did for several years. Lateron, he bought a shoe factory,then being conductedat Oshawa, Ont. After conductingit there for a shorttime, he removed the plantto Guelph, where he carriedon the business for severalyears, manufacturing andselling boots and shoes,both wholesale and retail.In 1875, he <strong>com</strong>menced tomanufacture in Preston, andhas remained there eversince. He does a largewholesale business in Ontarioand the North-West,extending to British Columbia.They manufactureprincipally men's and boys'boots and shoes, and kindredgoods, and have obtaineda first-class reputationfor their various lines.His success as a manufactureris due largely to histhorough understanding ofthe public demands, hisstrictly honorable methodsof doing business, and hisinvincible determination tohold his own against all<strong>com</strong>petitors. Mr. Hepburnis a member of the Municipal Council,and has also been a member ofthe School Board for many years. Heis, in religion, a member of the PresbyterianChurch, and in politics, a Reformer,but does not take an activeinterest in the affairs of the party.He is a member of the A.F. & A.M.,Workmen, and Royal Arcanum. Hehas been married twice :first, on thethird of March, 1859, to Miss CatharineE. Bartlett, and again on theeleventh of November, 1862, to MissIsabella Stark. His family consistsof three children, two daughters andone son.

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