Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MKN OK 419WILLIAMHYNDMAN, GeneralInsurance Agent, Life,Fire and Marine, Charlottetown,P.H.I., was born in1841, in Malpegtte, P.E.I.His father was a native ofAntigua, West Indies, hisfamily owning plantationson that island. His mother'smaiden name was AnneMcNutt, daughter of thelate James McNutt, Esq.,private secretary to the firstLieutenant-Governor of P.E. I. Mr. Hyndman waseducated at the CentralAcademy, Charlottetown.He entered Her Majesty'snavy in 1856, and servedfor several years, underCaptain Orlebar, R.N., inthe Gulf of St. Lawrenceand Newfoundland Survey,under the Admiralty, subsequentlyin the flag ships" Indus," " Nile"and" Duncan," on the NorthAmerica and West IndiaStation, under Admiral SirHouston Stewart, Sir AlexanderMilne and Sir JamesHope, respectively, afterwards" servingin H. M. S. Victory," flag ship atPortsmouth, Eng., under Capt. BeauchampSeymour (now Lord Alcester).Afterwards he served on the MediterraneanStation in H.M.S. " Newport,"under Capt. Nares, now Sir George S.Nares, of Arctic fame. He was presentat the formal opening of the SuezCanal, in 1869, by the EmpressEugenie, and ac<strong>com</strong>panied Her Majesty,with other officers of the fleet, throughthe canal to Suez. Mr. Hyndman retiredfrom the navy in 1870, underthe Childers' scheme of retirement, andcame to Prince Edward Island. Hewas appointed, in 1873, secretary ofthe Railway Commissioners, and afterwardsheld the position of ProvincialAuditor, and Vice-Consul for the UnitedStates. In 1872, he was appointedMarshal of the Vice-Admiralty Court,which position he still holds. Since1878, he has devoted his time to thebusiness of insurance, his businessbeing now the largest in the Province.In religion, Mr. Hyndman is a Presbyterian.He also belongs to the MasonicOrder, and Benevolent Irish Society.In 1871, he married Eliza Nelson, thirddaughter of the late Wellington Nelson,by whom he has five children.

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