Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK CANADA. 415THOMAS DAVIDSON, Managing-Director and General Agent forCanada of the North British andMercantile Insurance Co., Attorney forScottish American Investment Co.,Montreal, Que., was born, in 1835, inEdinburgh, Scotland. His father wasthe late David Davidson, manager ofthe Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, whocame to Montreal about the year 1840,remaining about twenty years, andtaking a keen interest in the educationalmatters of the then <strong>com</strong>parativelysmall town. He was deeply interestedin the work of McGill University, andfor many years, the " Davidson GoldMedal " was the highest prize given inthe institution. He had been a directorof the North British and MercantileInsurance Company on the EdinburghBoard since 1863, and, in 1880, becamechairman of the General Court of Directors.He died October 3Oth, 1891, verydeeply regretted. Mr. Thomas Davidsonwas educated at the EdinburghAcademy, and took a finishing courseat McGill University. He enteredbusiness life in the firm of Gillespie,Moifat & Co., extensive wholesale merchants,in Montreal. He was afterwardsallied with the late Mr. DonaldLome McDougall, under the firm nameof McDougall & Davidson,members of the MontrealStock Exchange. Mr. Davidsonhas been managingdirectorof the North Britishand Mercantile InsuranceCompany since its establishmentin Canada, which isabout thirty years (1893).The Company has a verylarge revenue in the Dominion,and is, of course, verywell and favorably knowneverywhere as one of thelargest and most equitable<strong>com</strong>panies in existence. Thesuccess of the Company inCanada is due to the excellentbusiness qualificationsof itsmanaging-director.Mr. Davidson hassecured an enviable positionfor the Company, by hisuntiring energy and soundbusiness knowledge andjudgment. He is presidentof the Montreal GeneralHospital, and one of thegovernors of the Royal VictoriaHospital. Mr. Davidsonis very well known inall parts of the Dominion.

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