Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.. ALEXANDERANDER-SON, Vancouver, B.C., realestate dealer, was born Jannary28th, 1860, at Eldon, P.E.I., andis of Scotch descent. He received hiseducation in the public and grammarschools of Eldon, the Normal Schooland Prince of Wales College, ofCharlottetown, P.E.I., graduating fromthe latter in 1881. He then removedto Victoria, B.C., and passed the provincialexamination, securing a first-classteacher's certificate. After teaching ashort time, he established himself inbusiness in Victoria. IniSS/, he soldhis business and removed to Vancouver,where he has been very successful.Besides his extensive city and farmproperty, Mr. Anderson owns largemining interests in the province, and isoften referred to as the " Real EstateKing." He is an alderman, and chairmanof the Finance Committee a memberof the Vancouver Board of Trade,;the St. Andrew's Society, and theI.O.O.F. In politics, he is a Conservative,and in religion, a Presbyterian.He was married, September 24th,1889, to Miss Alice Alexander, onlydaughter of Rev. W. W. Percival, M.A.,has onePh.D., Toronto, by whom hedaughter.

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