Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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IVTKN CANADA. 413\\/ILLIAM HENRY PRICE,V \M.D., Butternut Ridge, N.B.,was born atthat place, September 4th,1839. He is the son of William andCharlotte Price. He was educated atthe schools of his birth place and theHigh School, Kentville, N. S., afterwhich he studied medicine with Dr.Shaw, of Kentville, for three years, andthen entered Bowdoin Medical College,Maine, and afterwards the Medical Departmentof the University of the Cityof New York, and graduated from therewith honors and the degree of M. D.He then entered the United States Service,as A. A. Surgeon, at Nashville,Tenn., and remained until the close ofof the war, when he settled at ProspectPark, remaining until 1872, when heremoved to Chicago, where he practiceduntil 1876, then to New York City,remaining until 1881, when he returnedto Butternut Ridge, where he still continues,doing a very extensive practice.Dr. Price was married, December 24th,1873, to Catharine Jane, daughter ofJohn Watts, Esq., of Chicago. Hisfamilyconsists of four children. Heis a member of the Medical Associationsof New Brunswick and the MaritimeProvince, and wrote the well-knownbook :" Baby's Guide to Health."

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