Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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4 I2 1VIENHARCOURT, B.S.A.,Prof, of Agriculture in Prince ofWales College, Charlottetown, P.E.I.,was born November 3rd, 1863, in HuronCounty, Ont. His father John T. Harcourt,is a son of the late Geo. Harcourt,Esq., Toronto. His mother isHelen, eldest daughter of John Ratcliffe,Esq., Columbus, Ont., a gentlemanof Scottish descent. Mr. Harcourtspent the first seven years of hislife on a farm, the next four in Toronto,the next five in Preston, and at sixteen,having received a good primaryeducation, returned]to^his father's farm.When twenty-three years of age, heentered the O.A.C., at Guelph, to learnmore about the occupation he was following.He led his class from thestart, and in two years carried off thegold medal for general proficiency.Not content with this, he spent anotheryear in the further study of agriculture,and then in 1889, took the degree ofB.S. A., from the University of Toronto.He was at once engaged as assistant toProf. Robertson, in the dairy departmentof the O.A.C., and when thatgentleman was appointed Dairy Commissionerfor the Dominion, Prof. Harcourttook full charge of the work andexperiments of the department, untilthe close of 1890. He wasthen appointed assistantchemist, which he held tillhis present appointment.It will thus be readily seenthat Prof. Harcourt is wellqualified both by experienceand scholarship, to takealmost any position in anagricultural college. Inpolitics,he is a staunchLiberal, and in religion,a Presbyterian, a prominentworker in both church andSabbath school. He editsthe agricultural departmentof the Island Guardian,of Charlottetown. In1893, he was married toEttie J., daughter of SheriffStirton, Morden, Man., andgrand-daughter of DavidStirton, P.M., Guelph, andex-M.P. While in Manitoba,in 1893, Prof. Harcourttravelled quite extensivelythrough the Province,and its extent, fertility andpossibilities as an agriculturalcountry, left on hima deep and most favourableimpression.

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