Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 411CARRUTHERS, M.D.,C.M., (McGill), L.R.C.P., (London,Eng.), Alberton, P.E.I., was bornSeptember nth, 1856, at Cape Traverse,P.E.I. His parents Samuel and Sophia(Muttart) Carruthers, who areboth deceased, were highly esteemedand respected. His father was born inDumfries, Scotland, and his motherwas a native of P.E.I. Her grandfatherwas a veteran under Gen. Wolfe,at the capture of Quebec, and for hisbravery was granted a tract of land onwhich that city now stands. He was,however, unfortunately drowned beforehe got his title registered. Dr. Carrutherswas educated atPrince of Wales College,Charlottetown, Queen's College,Kingston, Ont., oneyear, and at McGill College,Montreal, two years, fromwhich he graduated in 1883,first in the honor list. Hethen went to England,where he continued hismedical studies a year, graduatingas above in 1884.After continuing his studiesfor some time in Edinburgh,he located in Suinmerside,P.E.I., where he practicedfive years. In 1889, hebought the practice of thelate Dr. McLean, of Alberton,and has practiced thereever since, having succeededin working up a very largemedical connection. TheDoctor is a member of theI.O.O.F., and the I.O.F.,in which latter order he iscourt physician. He isCoroner for Prince County,and is a member of the FirstMedical Council of P.E.I.,which was organized in1890. In religion, the Doctorisa Presbyterian, and in politics, ustaunch Liberal. November :6th,1885, he was married to Phoebe, daughterof Philip Callbeck, Esq. His familyconsists of one daughter, Georgie.The Doctor's ability and skill wouldwarrant his removal to any city, whichstep, however, would be very muchagainst the will of the residents ofAlberton and vicinity, who value hisservices very highly. His thoroughqualification for his chosen profession,gives him a leading place in the estimationof his medical brethren, and heis destined to make his mark as aphysician and surgeon.

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