Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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408 OF NEORGE DREWRY, WholesaleMerchant, Rat Portage, Ont.,was born October i2th, 1861, in St.Paul, Minn. He is the son of Edwardand Eliza Starkey,Drewry highly esteemedcitizens of that city. Mr. Drewrywas educated in the schools of St.Paul, and when sixteen went to Winnipeg,where he entered the employ ofhis brother, E. L. Drewry, ex-M.P.P.In 1883, he removed to Rat Portage,and opened up a business on his ownaccount, where he has remained eversince. In religion, Mr. DrewryEpiscopalian, and in politics, a Conservative,but while he takes no veryis anactive part in Provincial or Dominionaffairs, he is, as a shrewd and liberalbusiness man, ever ready to advanceany local enterprise which tends tothe prosperity of his adopted town.Heis president of the Rat Portage RegattaAssociation, president of the CurlingClub, and chairman of the council ofthe Rainy River District Board ofTrade. He is a keen sportsman, andbeing well acquainted with the RainyRiver region, knows where and how tobag the primest game, of which hismany friends always get a generousshare. Mr. Drewry is unmarried, he isvery popular among his acquaintances.

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