Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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407SOMMERVILLEMORRISON, M.D., HomeopathicPhysician, etc., St. John, N.B.,was born September soth, 1849, atWilinot, Annapolis County, N.S. Hisparents were Daniel and Margaret(Campbell) Morrison, natives of theNorth of Ireland, whose ancestors wereScotch. After receiving his early education,Dr. Morrison entered BostonUniversity, where he graduated M.D.He has built up a large practice,in St.John, which is constantly increasing,and he stands high in the estimationof the public generally. Dr. Morrisonbelongs to the Knights of Pythias,I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W., and various temperancesocieties. He is also an activemember of the Y.M.C.A., and correspondingmember of the International<strong>com</strong>mittee of the Y.M.C.A. He is amember of the New Brunswick MedicalSociety, and the American Instituteof Homeopathy. In politics,he is aLiberal, but not connected prominentlywith political affairs, being obliged todevote all his time to his extensivepractice. In religion, he is a Presbyterian.Dr. Morrison was married,January 28th, 1885, to Mary, daughterof Rev. James Kennedy, of New YorkCity. His family consists of four sons.

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