Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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406late Dr. Hammond Johnson,in 1867, attended BowdoinCollege, and graduatedthere in 1870, <strong>com</strong>pletinghis course at Harvard, andgraduating in 1872. Healso became a member ofthe Mass. Medical Society.For fifteen years, the Doctorpracticed his profession inKensington and vicinity,where he enjoyed a largepatronage. In 1885, he withhis brother-in-law, W. D.McKay, formed the partnershipof Reuben Tuplin &Co., of which he is theprincipal stockholder andmanaging partner. Thebusiness was establishedby Reuben Tuplin, now retired,nearly half a centuryago, who, from a small beginning,built up a largetrade, being now close on$100,000 a year. The Doctoralso owns and carries ona drug business as well. Inreligion, he is a Baptist and;in politics, a Liberal, withstrong independent convictions.He is an enthusiasticmember of the Masonic fraternity, andwas Grand Master of the Province inOctober 26th, 1845, in Queens 1891-92, when he laid the corner stoneCounty, P.E.I. His parents, John and of the Masonic Temple in Charlottetown.He is a Coroner for PrinceIsabel (McNeill) Darrach, were alsonatives of the Island, of Scotch descent, County, a J. P. and a <strong>com</strong>missioner forand held in high respect. Dr. Darrach taking affidavits in the Supremereceived his early education in the publicschools, winning a scholarship in married to Tryphena A., eldest daugh-On Court.the 24th of February, 1875, he wasthe Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown,where he took a leading place in ily consists of one daughter and twoter of Reuben Tupliu, Esq. His fam-his classes, especially in Mathematics sons living, and one daughter deceased.and kindred subjects. After spending As a business man, the Doctor has tact,a short time on his father's farm, and push and principle, while socially bothlater in the General Post Office, he he and his estimable wife are held in<strong>com</strong>menced to study medicine with the universal esteem.(S

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