Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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TV LLAN FINLAY-^\ SON, Charlottetown,V> Commander of theDominion Steamer u Stanley,"was born April i4th,1842, in Belfast, P.E.I. Hisparents were Angus andCatharine (McDonald) Finlayson,well-knowu residentsof the Island. Hewas educated in the <strong>com</strong>monschool, near his birth place,went to sea at sixteen, obtained,in1868, a certificateof <strong>com</strong>petency as Master inGlasgow, Scotland, and remainedin the merchant serviceuntil 1876, when hewas appointed Commanderof the Dominion steamer" Northern Light," the firstwinter mail steamer betweenPrince Edward Island andNova Scotia. In 1888, CommanderFinlayson receivedhis present appointment.His duty, from Decemberist to May ist, is to carrymails and passengers betweenthe Island and Pictou,N.S., and in the Summer,the " Stanley " is an armedcruiser, engaged in the Maritime FisheriesProtection service. The " raised over the ice and then lowered,Stanley" it down to pieces. Com-which breaksis a powerful screw steamer of mander Finlaysonis an efficient officer,looo-tons and 300 horse-power, built in of excellent judgment, alert, cautious1887-88 in Glasgow, Scotland, under and firm enough when necessary, andthe personal supervision of Capt. M. P. his knowledge of matters pertaining toMcElhinney, of Ottawa, and can cut his chosen calling isher very wide and recognizedbyway straight through ice from tenall. He is a member ofto fifteen inches thick, at the rate of the A.F. & A.M., and in religion is aten miles an hour. She can also cut member of the Baptist Church. Onher way through ice from three to four November i4th, 1872, he was marriedfeet thick, at a much slower speed, of to Annie, daughter of the late Malcolmcourse, by being fitted with <strong>com</strong>partmentsand apparatus, by which 132 P.E.I. His family consists of nineForbes, Esq., M.P.P., of Vernon River,tons of water can be admitted aft quite children, two sons and seven daughters.readily. This permits her prow to be405

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