Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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404JOHN McCONNELL, M. B.,M. C. P. S. O., Toronto, Ont,was born March 4th, 1846.His father, John McConnell, was lieutenantunder the late Captain Howard,of Howard Park, in the defence of LittleYork, in 1837, against Win. LyonMcKenzie. Dr. McConnell receivedhis education at the High School, RichmondHill, and began the study ofmedicine in 1864. He graduated, ini865L from Toronto University, and atonce began to practice at Thorhill,York County, Ont., where he remainedofthefor fourteen years, when he removed toBrockton, Toronto, where he was Reevevillage of Brockton, and afterwardsalderman of the city of Toronto. Dr.McConnell is Coroner for York County,and holds first class certificate MilitarySchool, and is a prominent member ofthe I.O.F, and is Past High Physicianof that order. In 1868, he married MissPowell, of York. In politics, the Doctoris a Reformer, and president of WestYork Reform Association. He standshigh in the A.F. and A.M., is a memberof the Protestant Benevolent Society ofToronto, and at present is physicianand surgeon to the Protestant Orphan'sHome, where two hundred and twentyorphans are under his care.

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