Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MKN OF* 403BLACKMER, Watchmakerand Jeweller, Fredericton,N.B., was born at Truro,N.S., February loth, 1867. His parentswere W. W. Blackmer and AnnieJ. Irwin. Mr. Blackmer received hiseducation at the public schools ofTruro, graduating from the Highschool with first-class honors. He wasthen apprenticed to the watchmakingand Jewellery business for five years,after which he worked for some time inHalifax, and then started business onhis own account at Spring Hill Mines,N.S., where he remained for two years,and in July, 1889, removed to Fredericton,and is now doing the largest businessin his line in the county. Mr. Blackmerwas married, April 2Oth, 1892, toHelen A., daughter of Ludlow Yerxa,merchant, Fredericton. He is a memberof the K. of P., Loyal Orange Order,being Deputy Grand Chaplain of theOrder, and also secretary for YorkCounty, the Royal Templars, theOrange Temperance Society, and theFredericton Curling Club. He recentlypresented the club with a very handsomecup for <strong>com</strong>petition of the members.In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and holds the office of Sabbath Schoollibrarian.

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