Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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401>3)HAS. WENTWORTH UPHAM(/ HEWSON, M.D., L.R.C.P. andV^^~> L.M., (Edinburgh) , Amherst,N.S., was born in Jolicure, N.B., February28th, 1844. His parents wereWilliam A. Hewson and ElizabethChandler. Dr. Hewson received hiseducation at the Sackville, Mount Allisonand St. Joseph colleges, New Brunswick.He graduated in Medicine, andbegan to practice in River Herbert,N.S., where he continued for elevenyears, doing a successful practice. In1883, he went to Scotland, and for sometime attended the Royal Infirmary ofEdinburgh, where he took the degreesof L.R.C.P. and L.M. Returning toCanada, he settled in Amherst, in May,1884, where he has since enjoyed alarge and lucrative connection. He isalso Coroner for the County of Cumberland,a member of the Masonic Order,in which order he also takes an activeinterest. He is widely known for hismedical skill, and highly respected forthe many good qualities which makehim a desirable public man and a goodcitizen. In religion, he is Episcopalian,and in politics a Reformer. On December29th, 1874, he married Mary E.Hapgood, a native of Calais, Maine. Hisfamily consists of one daughter, living.26

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