Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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395JOSEPHALEXANDER F.D'ESCHAMBAULT,M. p.,and Surgeon, Win-Physiciannipeg, Man., was born September ipth,1861, at Chanibly, Que. He was educatedat the Jesuit's College, Montreal,and St. Hyacinthe College, St. Hyacinthe,where he carried away theMarquis of Lome Medal, which is theonly one given in the college. Duringthe year 1880, he studied Philosophy,and the three successive years studiedmedicine in Laval University, and graduatedfrom Victoria University in1887. He then began practice in RawdonParish, Que., where he remainedfor about three years, when he removedto St. Boniface, Man., and in 1893, toWinnipeg. In religion, the doctor is aRoman Catholic, and is physician tothe Catholic Order of Foresters, in St.Boniface and Winnipeg. In politics,he is an Independent, with Conservativeleanings. He was married, Mayi4th, 1883, t Miss Corrine, daughterof the late Camille Marcotte. Hisfamily consists of one sou and threedaughters. Dr. D'Eschambault has,by his genial manner and professionalskill, secured a large practice in Winnipeg,and it is constantly growinglarger.

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