Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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392THOMAS DICKEY CUMBER-* LAND, Judge of the CountyCourts, Western Judicial District, Manitoba,Brandon, Man., was born September3rd, 18.53, in the County ofSimcoe, Ont., the youngest son ofand JohnMary (Dickey) Cumberland. Hereceived his education at the publicschools, the Weston Grammar School,and Queen's University, Kingston,from which institution he graduated in1875. After teaching one year in theCollegiate Institute, St. Catharines,Ont., he entered the law office of Miller,Miller & Cox, in 1878, where he remainedthree years. He was admittedto the Bar of Ontario, inHilary Term, 1881, andalmost immediately afterwardsremoved to Manitoba.He was admitted to the Barof that province, in 1882,and entered upon the practiceof his profession in thecity of Winnipeg, in partnershipwith Mr. W. A.Macara, the present DistrictRegistrar at Winnipeg.Since 1887, he has been amember of the firm of Archibald,Howell & Cumberland,and while his practicehas not been confined toany particular branch, hehas given special attentionto <strong>com</strong>mercial law, so thathis recent elevation, thisyear (1893), to the judgeship,was well advised andvery popular. The Judgeis to be congratulated onhaving received this importantappointment beforehe has quite reached middlelife,and his numerousfriends and the public generally,hope that he may belong spared to enjoy hiswell merited distinction, and dischargethe duties of the high office to whichhe has been called, and for whichhe is so well qualified. A leading contemporaryvoices <strong>com</strong>petent opinionwhen he says: "Judge Cumberlandtakes with him to the Bench, a soundknowledge of law, an unstained reputation,and a high respect won from allwith whom he has been in contact."In 1884, Judge Cumberland was marriedto Miss Helen Wallace, a daughterof A. T. Wallace, Esq., of St. Catharines,Ontario.His family consists oftwo children, both daughters, Mary andAlice.

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