Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK 387\\/M. JAMES ROCHE,M. D.,^ rPracticing Physician and Surgeon,Minnedosa, Man., was born November3oth, 1859, at Clandeboye, Ont.His parents were W. E. and Maria(Hodgins) Roche, of Irish extraction,the former being a prominent grain andgeneral merchant, doing business atLucan and Springfield, Ont., and wasone of the early settlers and town siteowners in Minnedosa, Man. Bothparents are still living near Minnedosa.Dr. Roche attended the public schoolat Lucan, until he was fifteen years ofage, after which he attended the LondonHigh School. He then taughtschool for two years, and subsequentlyput in three sessions at Trinity University,Toronto, and one at the WesternUniversity, London, Ont., graduatingin 1883. Since that time, he hasconducted a large and growing medicalpractice in Minnedosa. He has beena member of the Manitoba MedicalCouncil since its organization. He isalso a member of the A.O.U.W., and isProvincial Grand Master of the I.O.O.F.In politics, he is a Conservative, andwas a candidate for the Local House in1892. On July lyth, 1884, he marriedMiss Annie E., daughter of the lateWm. Cook, of Toronto, Ont.

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