Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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3 86V\/ILLIAM ROGER GIVAN,r\ Manufacturer, Moncton, N.B.,was born October gth, 1841, in KingsCounty, Nova Scotia. He is the sonof John and Fanny Givan, formerly ofOmah, Ireland. He received his educationin the public schools of KingsCounty, N. S. In 1868, he removedfrom St. John, N.B., to Moncton, wherehe has since remained, and for manyyears, he has been one of the prominentas well as one of themanufacturers,leading citizens of that enterprisingcity.He has been for ten years a memberof the Council Board of that city,and has occupied many other importantpositions. He is also a member of theMasonic Order, and in politics,a Liberal-Conservative.He takes a livelyinterest in the affairs of the country, aswell as of the city of Moncton. Mr.Givan was married, July 28th, 1862, toMary Elizabeth Rising, daughter ofof Great Yar-Captain William Rising,mouth, Norfolk, Eng. His family consistsof two children, both sons;theeldest, Fred. W. Givan, of the firm ofRobertson & Givan, hardware merchants,Moncton, and his second son,Ernest Washington Givan, proprietorof the steam laundry in the sameplace.

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