Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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384 OF",EV. ALEXANDER URQU-HART, Brandon, Man., wasborn in Invergordon, Rossshire,Scotland, in 1854. His parentsDonald and Jessie (Archibald) Urquhart,came to Canada in 1858, and settledin the County of Oxford, Ont.,where they still reside. From earlychildhood he was impressed with thethought of entering the ministry. Atthe age of eighteen he experienced adecided change, and the year previousto entering college, he engaged inevangelistic work, which was largelyblessed, and resulted in some three orfour young men entering college toprepare for ministerial work.Similar success attendedthe various mission fields inwhich he labored. In everyfield he has been much encouragedin being made therecipient of addresses andpresentations, expressive ofthe good will of the people.In 1883, ne came to Winnipeg,as assistant to Rev.C. B. Pitblado, of St. Andrew'sChurch, but at theurgent request of the Presbyteriansat Regina, he wassent there, and organizedthe congregation, wherehitherto there was but apreaching station. On graduatingfrom Knox College,Toronto, in 1884, he wasordained, and accepted acall to Regina, where helabored for five years, hiscongregation increasing untilit became the largestin the Territories. He tookan active part in the workof the Presbytery, and filledfor some years the positionof clerk and was also convenerof the Home MissionCommittee. He also established preachingstations in outlying points, andtook an active part in connection withthe Indian mission work. In 1889, hereceived a call to the PresbyterianChurch, Brandon, which he accepted,and during the four years of his pastorate,through his untiring energy andever increasing popularity, the membershiphas increased three fold. There isin connection with the congregation aBible class, with an average attendanceof about 90, and a Christian EndeavorSociety, the largest in the province.He was married, June 3oth, 1885, toMiss Annie Elizabeth Drysdale.

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