Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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33mary school of his birth place, and the Jean-Baptiste, section St. Joseph, andEnglish school at Lachine, and the director of 1'Association St. Jean-Baptisteof Montreal. In politics, he is aChristian Brothers' School in Montreal.He began business, in 1864, as parcel Liberal. He was first married Feb. aoth,carrier, and after three months, took a 1871, to Julie Gagnon, who died Feb.position in his native parish, as clerk. 25th, 1878. He was married again onHe has, since 1868, been in the wholesalegrocery business, alternately with25th, 1880, to Marie EleonoreMayElniina, daughterMessrs. Gaucher & Jos. Darveau, editorTelmosse, and L. O. and printer, Quebec. His family con-Turgeon, and for thirteen years ac- countant and manager forN. Quintal, now N. Quintal& Fils. In 1888, he joinedMr. Laporte to form the presentpartnership with him,man aof great ability, whosebusiness had be<strong>com</strong>e so extensive,that he required apartner. Mr. Martin hasbeen a member of the MontrealBoard of Trade since1887, and La Chambre deCommerce du District deMontreal since 1888. Notwithstandinghis lack ofearly educational advantages,he has been a studentall his life. He has a wellselected library. Has beena lieutenant in the 65th andobtained a second and firstclassMilitary Certificate.Mr. Martin belongs to theRoman Catholic Church,and has been for yearssecretary, and is now thepresident of the Congregation,and secretary of thecharitable institutions of theparish of St. Joseph, Montreal.He is a member ofmanyEAN-BAPTISTE leading andA. MARTIN, benevolent societies of Montreal, such asof the firm of Laporte, Martin & 1'Union St. Pierre, 1'Union St. Vincent,Cie, wholesale grocers, Montreal, Nationaie, vice-president ofP. Q., was born December gth, 1850, at the Societe des Artisans Canadiens-Ste. Genevieve, County of Jacques-Cartier,Q. He was educated at the pri-Joseph, past president of 1'Franais, president of 1'Union St.Associationsists of three sons and three daughters.

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