Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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STEWART^V/rAJORJ.VI MULVEY, SecrevS>tary-Treasurer ofthe Winnipeg Public SchoolBoard, was born in May,1834, in Sligo, Ireland. Hisparents were Henry andBarbara (McGee) Mulvey.He was educated and receivedhis training at theIrish National schools. In1854, he was invited by thelate Dr. Ryerson to <strong>com</strong>e toCanada, and for fourteenyears taught in HaldimandCounty, where he rose inthe ranks to the highestplace of honor, viz.: that ofpresident of the County Association,which he organizedand which presidencyhe held for four consecutiveyears. In 1870, he joinedthe Red River Expeditionas ensign, under the <strong>com</strong>mandof Col. (now Lord)Wolseley. He remainedin Winnipeg, and in 1871,whichfounded the Liberal,he edited two years, whenhe was appointed Collectorof Inland Revenue, havingorganized the Manitoba Department.In 1882, he contested Selkirk for theHouse of Commons, but was defeated.MKN383mayor. In politics, he was formerlyConservative, but when the Jesuit questionwas before the Canadian public,He was one of the first school trustees he became Independent. In 1856, heof Winnipeg, of which he was chairman was married to Miss Rebecca A. Gilmore,daughter of Humphrey Gilmore,formany years. In 1885, he went tothe front as Major of the 95th Manitoba Esq., of Sligo, Ireland, who died inGrenadiers. In 1885, he was appointed 1892. His family consists of five sonsto his present position. For twelve and one daughter. Major Mulveyis ayears, he was a member of the ProvincialBoard of Education, and drafted Master of the L.O. A. for Manitoba andmember of the A.F. & A.M., Grandthe first School Act governing cities the North-West Territories, over whichand towns in Manitoba. For twelve he presided for a period of fourteenyears, he was a member of the WinnipegCity Council, and in 1889, cameyears, and is looked upon as the founderof the Orange institution in Manitobawithin a few votes of being elected and the North-West.

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