Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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3 82 OF-MOIR, Proprietor of thea lumber yard there, and two yearsRollerJOHNMills, Holland, Man., later, bought the mill from the Hollandwas born January nth, 1848, Milling Co., which he has since conducted,and he is now known to be oneat Aberdeenshire, Scotland. His parentswere William and Isabella (Taylor)Moir, farmers, but now deceased. His flour took first prize in the Mani-of the foremost millers of the Province.Mr. Moir was educated at the parish of toba exhibit at the World's Fair, Chicago,in 1893, and the judges at thatChapel of Garioch, Aberdeenshire,Scotland, after which he farmed with Fair,itpronounced to be the best inhis father for some years. In the the world. In religion, Mr. Moir is aSpring of 1869, he came to America, member of the Presbyterian Church,and settled at Montreal, where he was and in politics, a Reformer. He is alsoemployed as clerk in a hardware establishmentfor some ten years. In 1879, of the Independent Order of Oddfel-a member of the Masonic Order, andhe removed to Manitoba, and took up lows, and was Reeve of South Norfolkland near Holland. In 1886, he openedfor four years.

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