Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 381.GEORGEHENRY LONG,Methodist Minister, Souris,Man., was born September2ist, 1857, in Peel County, Ont. Hisp&rents are Richard and Ann Long.When Mr. Long was five years of age,the family removed to Simcoe County,and when seven years of age, he beganhis education in the public school,after which he taught school for threeyears, and then entered the CollegiateInstitute at Collingwood, remainingone year. He was then engaged aslocal preacher for one year, and in 1882,went to Manitoba as missionary, spendingone year atPembina Mountain, oneyear at Deloraine, one year at RidingMountain, and one year at Beulah.He was ordained in 1886, at Winnipeg,after which he spent one year at RatPortage, three years at Edmonton,three years at Boissevain, where hewas appointed to his present charge,in June, 1893. Mr. Long belongs tothe Royal Templars, I.O.O.F., and isa Past member of the Grand Council ofthe former. In politics,he is a Liberal.He was married, June 3Oth, 1886, toMiss Maggie McHaffie, daughter of thelate Peter McHaffie, of Dunediu, Ont.Mrs. Long died in October, 1892. Hehas one son and two daughters.

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