Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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38oJH.ASHDOWN, J.P., HardwareMerchant, Winnipeg,Man., was born in London,Eng., in 1844, but the family removedto Ontario soon after. His early educationwas somewhat limited, yet he isto-day, and lias been for years, one ofthe best informed men in the West, onthe leading questions of the day, Civic,Provincial and Dominion. When eighteenyears of age, he struck out forhimself, and after spending some timein Ontario, went West, where he imbibedthat love for the freedom of a newcountry, which caused him, in 1868, tolocate in Winnipeg, and about aafterwards went into businessyearon his own account, in ,a <strong>com</strong>paratively small way.During the Rebellion of1869-70, he was for nearlythree months one of Riel'sprisoners, in Fort Garry,closely confined, ill fed, andbadly treated, but from thetime of his release, his businesshas, by dint of perseverance,industry and foresight,grown to its presentgigantic proportions. In1871, Mr. Ashdown was appointeda J.P., by GovernorArchibald, which positionhe still holds. He hasgrown up with the country,so that to write his biography,would be to writethe history of the city andprovince of his adoption, forhe has been prominentlyidentified with all its bestinterests. He was chairmanof the Citizens' Committee,which secured incorporationfor the city, waspresident of the WinnipegBoard of Trade, during theDisallowance Agitation, andin his valedictory, in 1887, called in nomistakeable terms, federal attention tothe position and feeling of the countryanent the same. Mr. Ashdown is amember of the Board of Wesley College,of which he was one of the founders,has been a member of the HospitalBoard, School Board, City Council,Board of Trustees of Grace MethodistChurch, etc., and has always taken apractical part in the interests of anyIn politics, he is an Inde-good cause.pendant, and has the courageof hisconvictions. In 1876, Mr. Ashdownmarried Miss Susan Crowson, of Winnipeg.He has four children, living.

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