Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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379INKSTER, Winnipeg,Sheriff of the Eastern JudicialLord Selkirk, to the Red River Settlement,early in this century. He wasDistrict of Manitoba, was educated at the St. John Parochialborn August 3rd, 1843, on * ne historic School, after which he worked on hisbattle field Seven Oaks, or perhaps father's farm. On the i6th of March,more properly speaking, the site of the 1871, he was married to Miss Annieunhappy massacre of the Red RiverSettlers, under Tait,Governor daughter of Mr. Wm. Tait, whoSemple, 1816, also came from Orkney. They havewhich spot is just outside the city five sons and two daughters. Thelimits of Winnipeg (North Side), and Sheriff's father, John Inkster, who diedis marked by a granite monument, in 1874, was a man of considerable influenceand force of character. He waserected by the Historical Society, in1891. Sheriff Inkster's parents, were aJohn and farmer, and for some years a merchant.In 1857, he was appointed aMary (Sinclair) Inkster, bothhis'grandfathers being natives of Orkney,"Scotland, and fellow voyagersmember of the Council of Assiniboia,ofan appointment which he held untilthe transfer of the colony tothe Dominion Government,in 1870. Sheriff Inksterwas one of thefirst Legislativecouncillors of Manitoba,a position he heldthroughout the existence ofthat body, from 1871-76.He was speaker, and hadthe casting vote to abolishit. In 1874, he was Ministerof Agriculture, and presidentof the Council till1876, when he was appointedHigh Sheriff of thethen Province of Manitoba.In 1 88 1, when the growingprovince was divided intothree districts, he was retainedas Sheriff of the EasternJudicial District, a positionhe still holds. TheSheriff is an Episcopalianin religion, and a memberof the A.F. & A.M. Heisuniversally held in thehighest esteem, and admiredand honored for the characterand ability, whichhave enabled him to fillthe various important officesmentioned.

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