Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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ORI.KING,M.A. (Edinburgh),_ D.D. (Knox College,Toronto), Principal ofManitoba College, Winnipeg,Man., Lecturer in Mentaland Moral Science andGerman, and Professor ofTheology, Greek and HebrewExegesis, was bornMay 25th, 1829, in Yetholm,Roxburghshire, Scotland.His parents were RalphKing and Mary Scott. Dr.King began his educationat the parish schools ofYetholm and Mertoun, continuedit at the Universityof Edinburgh, and took thedegree of M.A. with honorsin Mathematics, in 1854.He studied Theology inEdinburgh, and was licensedin 1855. He also attendedthe University of Halle in1855-56, taking the classesof professors TholuckjuliusMiiller and Roediger. Hethen came to Canada as amissionary in 1856, andduring one year visited mostof the vacant congregationsand mission stations of the then United moderator of the General Assembly ofPresbyterian Church, from Kincardine,Ont., to New the Presbyterian Church in 1883, andGlasgow, Que. He also was alsospent three months appointed by the Assembly,in Gait, where heorganized a new congregation. In Principal of Manitoba College and Professorof Theology. He was released1857,he was called to the Congregations of from the pastorate of St. James SquareColumbus and Brooklin, Ontario County,Ont., and ordained in October of principalship at Winnipeg, as abovein October, 1883, and inducted into thethat year, and in March, 1863, was called indicated. The college has prosperedto Gould Street Church, Toronto, and greatly under his direction, a largewas inducted in May of that year. The debt having been removed, and extensiveimprovements and additions havingmembership there increased from aboutone hundred to nearly six hundred, and been made. Dr. King was married,a new and handsome stone church was December 4th, 1873, to Janet Macphersonbuilt, now known as St. James SquarePresbyterian Church. Dr. King was daughter of Hugh and MarySkinner. Mrs. King died in 1886.

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