Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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375ANDREW STEWART,,EV.B.D., Professor of Systematic_ Theology, Hebrew, and OldTestament Exagesis in Wesley College,Winnipeg, Man., was born June i8th,1852, in the Township of Albion, PeelCounty, Ont. His parents, John andMary (Jameson) Stewart, natives of theNorth of Ireland, settled in that districtearly in the present century, and wereamong the most highly respected pioneersof that part of the country. Prof.Stewart received his early education atthe public and High schools, afterwhich he taught school for four yearsin the counties of Peel, Simcoe andYork, his last school beingthat of the village of Schomberg,in North York. Hethen entered Victoria University,from which he graduatedin 1879. He wasordained at the Port HopeConference, and shortly afterwardswent to Manitoba,and at once entered uponactive Church work. Forthe next ten years, he hadmany Methodist churchesto organize, chiefly in SouthernManitoba, making CrystalCity his headquarters.About the same time, he receivedthe appointment ofinspector of public schools,a position he held manyyears, and being the firstinspector of public schoolsin the counties of TurtleMountain and Souris River,he organized the majorityof the schools there. Forthis work or organization,Prof. Stewart was well fitted,he was one of the first topublicly advocate a uniformsystem of public schools forManitoba, and by specialrequest of Premier Greenway, formedone of the <strong>com</strong>mittee that drafted thenow celebrated School Law. In 1889,he was invited to the pastorate of theFort Rouge Church, Winnipeg, whichhe accepted, and in 1890, he was askedto accept his present chair in WesleyCollege. He has been honored by hisclerical brethren in Manitoba, with thepositions of chairman of his district,secretary of the Conference and presidentof the Conference. In 1880, hemarried Miss Mary A. Sharp, of Minneapolis,Minn., U. S. In politics, heis an Independent, and has always exercisedhis franchise in that way.

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