Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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37 2 OF CANADA.Chief At the fiftieth anniversary of his servicesin the House as Chief Messenger,Messenger of the LegislativeAssembly of Nova Scotia, PortugueseCove, P. O., Halifax presented him with athe AssemblyCounty, valuable gold watch, as a token of theirN. S., was born September 24th, 1808, esteem and appreciation. Mr. Fitzgeraldwas married, in 1833, to Missin the County of Halifax. His fatherwas Michael Fitzgerald, who came to Isabell Monroe. He has had eleventhis country from Kilkenny County, children, seven of whom are nowIreland, in living.1797. Mr. Fitzgerald receivedhis education in the schools of at Kansas City, by her own efforts, andOne of his daughters built an hospitalHalifax. In 1848, he received the appointmentof Chief Messenger, whichpresent at the head of the institu-is attion. His son, George, belongs to theposition he has held until the present Christian Brothers(1893). He of Montreal, and iswas also overseer of fisheriesfor West Halifax, from 1869 until Roman Catholic. He is an old landnow at Levis. Mr. Fitzgeraldis aNovember, 1891, when he resigned. mark and ishighly respected.JOHN FITZGERALD,

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