Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK CANADA. 371JAMESDUNCAN, P.M., J.P.,Agent for Massey-Harris Co.,Glenboro, Man., was born October28th, 1850, in Fifeshire, Scotland.His parents were Andrew and Jean(Morrison) Duncan. Mr. Duncan waseducated at the Falkland and Scotlandparish schools, after which he spentsome seven or eight years as gardner.He came to Missouri, U.S., in 1874,where he remained until the Fall of1879, engaged in the same capacity,after which he removed to Manitoba,and took up land where the town ofGlenboro now stands, where he still followsfarming, in addition to his otherduties. He was appointed P. M., in1883, and agent for the Massey Co.,now Massey-Harris Co., in 1886, anda J.P., in 1889. Mr. Duncan beganbusiness life in a small way, but hasmade a success of it. He takes a warminterest in public affairs, and is greatlyinterested in the prosperity of Glenboro.In religion, he is a Presbyterian, andholds the office of elder in that church,and in politics, is a Liberal. He wasmarried, October 28th, 1887, to MissCatherine, daughter of Jonas Pitipiece,of Carleton County, Ont. His familyconsists of four children, three daughtersand one son.

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