Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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369REDPATH,Esq., late of Monttreal,Que., was bornin that city, August ist,1821. His parents, Johnand Janet (McPhee) Redpath,were both born inScotland, the former in Berwickshire,and the latter inInvernessshire. His fatherwas a mechanic, who came,in early life, to Canada, andwith remarkable shrewdness,industry and perseverance,worked his way, stepby step, until he becameone of the most prominentmen of Montreal. He wasfor a time joint contractoron the Rideau Canal, withthe late Honorable ThomasMcKay, who erected, as aprivate residence for himself,the original portion ofRideau Hall, Ottawa. Mr.Redpath was educated inMontreal, and along withhis father, in 1854, foundedthe Redpath Sugar Refinery,the first and largestin Canada. In this enterprisethey were joined, almostat the first, by Mr. G. A. Drummond,now a Senator of the Dominion. tion will ac<strong>com</strong>plish. Their accumula-of what genuine courage and determina-Mr. Redpath's busy lifealways precludedhis accepting public office of tious circumstances, but rather came oftion is not simply the result of propi-any kind, for which he was never desirous.He has, however, always taken ordinary opportunities to yield thatthat ability and pluck which <strong>com</strong>pelleda practical interest in the educational which they sought, thus making evenand benevolent institutions of his native obstacles helpful to their progress. Incity, as his munificent endowments of religion, Mr. Redpath is a Presbyterian.McGill College and his administration He was married, in 1847, to Miss Graceof the Montreal General Hospital testify.His public spirit, tact, industry, Wood, Esq., ofWood, daughter of the late Williamintegrity and Bowdon, Cheshire, England.In 1881, Mr. and Mrs. Redpathgenerosity have broughthim before the public as one of the prominentmen of the Dominion. The beautiful Manor House, Chiselhurst,left Montreal, and now reside in thesuccess of the Redpaths is an evidence Kent, Eng.24

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