Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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368 CANADA.JOHN HENRYSPARLING,of schools for Northwestern Manitoba,M.D., C.M., Pilot Mound, Man., which office he held for two and onewas born October 29th, 1862, at half years. In the St. Mary's, Ont. His meantime, he tookparents were Jas. upW. medical studies, and graduated fromand Margaret (Gilpin) Sparling, of Manitoba Medical College, in April,German and Irish descent respectively, 1891, after which he practiced fourwho are now living at Beulah, Man. months at Stonewall, and removed toDr. Sparling's early life was spent on Pilot Mound,a farm. He in October, 1891, andwas educated at St. Mary's from that time until the present, hasHigh School, and taught school in Ontariofor one and a half years. He a large and profitable connec-enjoyedwent tion. In religion, the Doctor is ato Manitoba in July, 1883, where he Methodist, and in politics, a Reformer.also taught for three years at Beulah, He is also a member of the MasonicBirtle and Minnedosa. He then took Order. Dr. Sparling was married,a Normal school course, obtaining firstclasscertificate, and became Inspector of Henry Judd, of Mallorytown,August 29th, 1893, to Maud, daughterOnt.

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