Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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367iIDEON MITCHELL DUNCAN,M.D., Bathtirst Village, GloucesterCouuty, N. B., was born at Coldstream,Scotland, July 3rd, 1842. Heis the son of Adain Duncan, a native ofSwinton, Berwickshire. He receivedhis early education at the Free ChurchSchool, in Swinton, and in Glasgow, atthe Free Church Training College, andthe Andersonian University. He cameto Canada in 1864, to teach the Superiorschool, Bathurst Village, N.B., and afterwardsstudied medicine with Dr. W.W. Gordon, of that place. In 1868, hewent to McGill University, graduatedwith the degree of C.M., M.D., and beganto practice in Bathurst Village,where he has since remained, and hassucceeded in working up an extensivepractice and provincial reputation. Dr.Duncan was married, in 1871, to MarthaJ., daughter of the late Hon. Dr. Robt.Gordon. In religion, he is a memberof the Presbyterian Church and anelder, and also session clerk. He isP. M., St. John's Lodge A. F. & A. M.,ex-president of the New BrunswickMedical Association, a member of theNew Brunswick Medical Council, andan ex-vice-president of the CanadaMedical Association. In politics, he isa Conservative.

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