Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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365. B. N. HUGHES, BaptistMinister, Hopewell Cape, N.B.,was born at Cambridge,N.B., January lyth, 1833. He is thesou of William and Achsah (Harris)Hughes, natives of Wales. He receivedhis early education in the public schoolsof Queens County, and then enteredthe Baptist Seminary, Fredericton,where he graduated with first-classhonors, and was ordained in 1858, atMaugerville, after which he becamepastor there, remaining one year, whenhe took charge at Jacksontown, thenSt. George, after which he [returned toJacksontown, where he was also pastorof several other charges. In 1870, hewas pastor at Upper Gagetown, remainingfour years, then removed to St.Mary's, where he remained thirteenyears. He was then at Havelock,Kings, for four years, and on leavingthat place, entered upon his presentpastorate, where he is doing a goodwork. Mr. Hughes has been marriedtwice :first, November i6th, 1863, toMaggie Good, of Jacksontown, andsecond, October 8th, 1891, to MelissaAlice Perry, of Havelock. He has sixchildren.He is a member of the RoyalArcanum and several temperance organizations,and in politics, a Liberal.

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