Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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360 OF-IJAMESCHARLES STOYTE,B.A., M.B. & M.Ch., L.M.K.,and Q.C.P.I., Sotiris, Man.,was born March i5th, 1852, at Kinsale,County Cork, Ireland. His parentswere Rev. John and Elizabeth (Bleazbey)Stoyte, the former being a Churchof England clergyman, and well knownin his <strong>com</strong>munity for his ability andpiety. Dr. Stoyte received his earlyeducation under Rev. Edward Perdue,after which he entered Trinity College,Dublin, graduating in arts with B.A.degree, in 1871. He received his medicaleducation at Trinity Medical College,graduating M.D. & M.Ch., in1873. He then practiced in Litchfield,England, for one year, then with thePacific Steam Navigation Co., for abouttwo years, after which he practiced inKinsale, until 1882, when he removedto Manitoba, and settled iu Souris,where he has since remained. In 1888,he started a drug store at Souris, whichhe still conducts in connection with hisextensive practice, and also operates afarm. In religion, Dr. Stoyteis amember of the Church of England, andin politics, a Conservative. He is alsoa member of the A.F. & A.M., andI.O.O.F., and ispast D.D.G.M., forBrandon district in the former.

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