Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN" OF* 359ROBERT GUMMING,Westville, N. S., was boru atStellarton, N.S., in 1840.His father, Robert Gumming, and hismother, Elizabeth Denoon, came fromInverness, Scotland, in 1832. He receivedhis elementary education in theschools of his native <strong>com</strong>munity, andafterwards attended the old PresbyterianSeminary, at Truro, N.S., forthree terms, Dalhousie University forone term, Pine Hill for two terms,Princeton Theological Seminary forone term, and was licensed at BoundBrook, N.J., in April, 1868. Afterlaboring in P. E. I., for about twoyears, he removed to New Glasgow, andthree years afterwards was translatedto the large congregation of Glenelg,where, in one year, there were added tothe <strong>com</strong>munion roll on profession offaith, 163 names. After seven yearsthere, he took charge of the congregationof Carmel Church, Westville. In1889, ac<strong>com</strong>panied by his brother, Rev.Thos. Gumming, of Truro, he made atour of the Globe, travelling throughEngland, France, Switzerland, Italy,Egypt, Palestine, China and Japan. Hewas married, in 1874, to Coriuna, daughterof Alex. Grant, of New Glasgow.His family consists of six children.

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