Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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356HOMAS SCOTT, Collector ofCustoms, Winnipeg, Man., wasborn February i6th, 1841, in the Countyof Lanark, Ont. His parents camefrom Armagh, Ireland, to Canada, in1836. He received his education inthe High School of Perth, Ont. Helearned the trade of printer, and establishedthe Perth Expositor, in 1860.He joined the Volunteer force in 1861,was gazetted Major of the 42nd Battalionin November, 1866, and BattalionLieut-Colonel in 1871. He was seniorCaptain of the Ontario Rifles, formingpart of the Red River Expeditionaryforce of 1870, under Colonel (now Lord)Wolseley, and returnedhome during the Winter of1870-71. In October of thesame year, news reachedOttawa of an intended raidby Fenians on Manitoba.The Militia Department orderedthat a picked force oftwo hundred men be at oncesent to the Province, andCol. Scott was selected to<strong>com</strong>mand the same. Thisforce left Collingwood, October26th, on board the" Chicora," for Thunderand marched acrossBay,the Red River on the ice, toFort Garry, on November1 8th, after undergoing themost severe hardships.When the Rebellion of 1885broke out. Col. Scott wasauthorised to raise a regimentin Manitoba for activeservice. This he did inthirteen days, and left forQu'Appelle with 440 men,fully equipped. In politics,he is a Conservative. Hecontested Winnipeg unsuccessfullyin 1874, and waselected for the Local Legislature,in 1878 and 1879. In September,1880, he contested Selkirk County,for the Dominion Parliament, againstDonald A. (now Sir Donald A.) Smith,and was elected. At the General Electionsof 1882, he was returned forbut did not offer himself forWinnipeg,re-election in 1887, having acceptedthe position of Collector of Customsfor Winnipeg. He has also been analderman of Winnipeg, and mayor attwo different times. In religion, he isa Presbyterian. He was married, in1863, to a daughter of Robert Kellock,Esq., of Perth, Ont. His family consistsof four sons and two daughters.

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