Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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354 1VLENJOHN NICHOLSONPITHER, Indian Agent, RatPortage, Ont., was born October29th, 1824,i 11 Montreal. HisWinnipeg River and Lake Winnipeg,the trip occupying months of time andcovering thousands of miles. In 1870,Mr. Pither succeeded in keeping theparents were Robert and Margaret Indians of the Rainy River district and(Nicholson) Pither, of English birth. vicinity from joining Riel ever; since heMr. Pither was educated in Montreal has been Indian Agent, chiefly at Fortand Quebec, and in 1846, entered the Francis and Rat Portage. In religion,employ of the Hudson's Bay Co., remainingwith them politics, ahe is an Episcopalian, and intwenty-three years. Conservative. He also belongs to theIn 1846, he travelled the entire distancefrom Lachine, Que., to Norway of the Manitoba Historical and ScientificA.F. & A.M., and is a correspondentHouse, Lake Winnipeg, by canoe, via Society, whose museum contains severalthe Ottawa River, Lake Nipissing, interesting relics donated by him. HeFrench River, Georgian Bay, Lake married, June 22, 1882, Rebecca, daughterof W. Barlow, Esq., Binbrook, Superior, Rainy River, Rat Portage, Ont.

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