Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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352 JVIKN OR CANADA.JJACKSONYOUNG, Editor Mr. Young represented his paper inof the Moosomin Spectator, the Press Gallery, atand Ottawa, duringManaging Director of the the Parliament of 1892, and has a largeMoosomin Printing and PublishingCompany (Limited), was knowledge ofborn political affairs in theJune North-West. While in Regina, he hada6th, 1868, at Newark, Eng. His parentswere J. W. and Sarah Jackson which is said to be the leading choir incharge of the Methodist Church choir,Young. The family emigrated to Canadain 1883, and settled at Regina, of Winnipeg. He now occupies a simi-Manitoba and the Territories, outsideN.W. T. Mr. Young pursued his lar position in Moosomin. Mr. Youngeducational studies to a considerable was married, August nth, 1887, toextent before leaving England, but subsequentlydevoted himself diligently to Woodward, Esq., formerly of Norfolk,Miss May, second daughter of D.private study, the better to fit him for Ont., but now of Regina, Assa., andthe profession which he had chosen. has two children, one son and oneAfter a short experience in the book daughter.and stationery business inRegina, Mr. Young accepteda situation as reporter onthe Regina Leader, of whichMr. N. F. Davin was proprietorand editor. After afew months, Mr. Davin waselected to Parliament, andMr. Young was appointededitor and manager of thebusiness, which he conductedwith great credit tohimself and the satisfactionof his readers, for eightyears. Mr. Young was butnineteen years of age whenhe took charge ofthe Leader,but before he left it he hadthe satisfaction of seeingits circulation more thandoubled. In October, 1892,he accepted his present position.A careful examinationof the Spectator, whichis acknowledged one of theleading papers of the West,is all that is necessary toconvince one of Mr. Young'ssuperior ability as a newspaperman. In politics, theSpectator is Independent,with Conservative leanings.

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