Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK,EV. ROBT. SAMUEL CRISP,Methodist Clergyman, Salis-tions and relics, as well as valuableestates in Norfolk still in possession ofbury, Westmoreland County, this branch of the family. Mr. CrispN.B., was born near Norwich, Eng., received his education at the publicJuly ist, 1848. He is the eldest sonof James and school, and afterwards by Sarah privateCrisp. On his tuition. He received his theologicalfather's side, he is descended from an course with the Rev. Thomas G. Keeling,M.A., well known in certain Divi-old Methodist family of London, Norfolk,mentioned by Rev. John Wesley, nity circles in the Old Land, preparingin his journal, during his travels in to offer himself for the Methodist ministryin connection with the Englishthat part of the country. On hismother's side, he is descended from the Conference. He received a letter from-junior members of the Walpole family, the Rev. Dr. Geo. Scott, asking him towho occupied important positions inpolitics in the reign of GeorgeI. andGeorge II., and there are many tradi-go to America, and having had thisidea in his mind for some time, he offeredhimself for the work under thecontrol of the then Eastern.,British American Conference,and leftEngland inOctober, 1871. On arrivingin this country, he was appointedassistant pastor ofa large country charge onthe banks of the St. JohnRiver, N.B. Among othercharges held by Mr. Crispare Charlottetown, P. E. I.,Chatham, Portland andMoncton, N. B., which aresome of the most importantcharges in the Conferenceof New Brunswick. He beganlife with the prestige ofan honored ancestry, andby his personal worth soonsecured a prominent placein the Church. Mr. Crispwas married, October igth,1875, to Matilda E., granddaughterof the late Rev.William Wilson, for manyyears on the WesleyanMission in Newfoundland.His family consists of twodaughters. He is a memberof the Masonic Order,I.O.O.F., I.O.F., and Sonsof Temperance.

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