Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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350 OKEV. HUGH CAMPBELLSUTHERLAND, B.A., Pastorof St. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch, Carman, Man., was] born" Oct.25th, 1863, in Oxford Co., Ont. Hisparents are Thomas and Isabella(Campbell) Sutherland, highly respectedresidents of that county, and HighlandScotch, who followed the life offarmers in the Old Land, and also after<strong>com</strong>ing to this country. Mr. Sutherlandwas educated at the public schoolsof his birth place, after which he taughtschool in Bruce County, Ont., for fourand one half years. He, however, feltcalled to the ministry, and entered Mc-Gill College, Montreal, from which hegraduated in 1890. Two years later,he graduated from the PresbyterianCollege, Montreal, being gold medalist,MacKay scholar, and valedictorian ofhis class. He was editor of the PresbyterianCollege Journal during thesession 1890-91. He was ordainedOctober 4th, 1892, and inducted intohis present charge at Carman, wherehe ismeeting with gratifying success.In politics, Mr. Sutherland is an Independent,with Liberal leanings. Hewas married, September 6th, 1893, toMiss Isa G. daughter of the late HughMackenzie, of Woodstock, Ont.

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