Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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349\\/M. WARREN HANSCOM,^ rSuperintendent of HavelockMineral Springs, Havelock, New Brunswick,was born in Maine, U. S., July3Oth, 1838. His parents were Lymanand Betsy Hanscoin, of that State.Mr. Hans<strong>com</strong> received his education atthe Grammar schools of Boston, Mass.,and graduated from the Quincy GrammarSchool in 1854, and in 1857 wentto Denver, Col., there being only onehouse there at that time. He afterwardswent to Salt Lake and California,and up to Puget Sound, and in1 86 1, entered the American War. Hewas in the Rhode Island Battery, occupyingdifferent ranks from private toCaptain of the Battery, remaining fouryears, and was in thirty-three differentengagements. On leaving active service,he embarked in the mineral waterbusiness in Boston, remaining thereuntil 1889, and then went to NovaScotia and opened springs at Middleton,remaining two years, when he openedthe Havelock Mineral Springs. Mr.Hans<strong>com</strong> was married, in 1865, to L,.Adella, daughter of David E. Ward,Esq., of New Hampton, N. H. He hasone son. In religion, Mr. Hans<strong>com</strong> isa Baptist. He is also a member of theA. F. & A.M., K. of P., and G. A. R.

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