Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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348 IVIEN-EO. A. GLINES, Real Estate,Loan and Financial Agent, Winnipeg,was born in October, 1849, at Lachute,Que. His father was the late G.L. Glines, Esq., farmer, who was widelyand favorably known in that district.His mother was Maria Hutchins, adescendant of one of the best pioneerfamilies of Canada. Mr. Glines waseducated at the public schools of Lachute,and from fourteen to twentyyears of age, clerked in Montreal.After two years in New York State, hereturned to Montreal and entered theemploy of his uncle, a large wholesaletea merchant, whonrhe afterwards succeeded.In 1877, he went to Manitoba,and soon made himself familiar withthe Province, from end to end, by travellingover it repeatedly. He was induced,by the late Col. Kennedy, to locateat Morris, where he acted as agentfor properties of the Colonel and others.He was the firstmayor of Morris, whenthat town was incorporated in 1883,and was mainly instrumental in gettingthe charter for the proposed ManitobaCentral Railway, passed through theLegislature, and years ago outlined therailways which now pass throughMorris. In 1885, he went to the frontas first lieutenant of a <strong>com</strong>pany ofMorris volunteers, underthe <strong>com</strong>mand of Col. Scott.Soon after the Rebellion, helocated in Winnipeg, wherehe established his presentbusiness. He does an agencybusiness in real estate,farm and city,and isagentfor the Canadian MutualLoan and investment Co.Mr. Glines is a man of greatenergy, and has invariablymanifested his ability bysuccessfully carrying outthe many important enterpriseswith which he hasbeen connected. He is alsoa member of the A. F. &A. M., and the I. O. O. F.He has been largely instrumentalin bringing theresources of the province tothe notice of intending settlersand capitalists in thecities of Eastern Canada,the United States and Europeancountries. He hasunbounded confidence in thefuture development andprosperity of Manitoba. Inpolitics,he is a Liberal-Conservative.

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