Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN CANADA. 347V. FATHER LEWIS HEN-RY DRUMMOND, Priest oftne Society of Jesus, wasborn in Montreal, October iQth, 1848.His father was the Hon. Lewis ThomasDrummond, Attorney-General for LowerCanada (1851-56), and Judge of theCourt of Queen's Bench, and hismother was a French Canadian, and adaughter of the Hon. P. D. Debartzch.Father Drummond attended the MontrealCollegiate School for three years,and <strong>com</strong>pleted a six years' universitycourse in St. Mary's College, Montreal.After studying geology at the GeologicalMuseum, he entered the JesuitOrder at Sault-au-Recollet,where he spent two yearsand a half. He taughtclassics at St. Mary's Collegefor about two years,when owing to excessivework his health gave way,and he was <strong>com</strong>pelled to goabroad for a time. Returningwith improved health,he devoted three more yearsto the study of philosophyat the great Jesuit College,Woodstock, Md., wentthrough four years of collegework, chiefly as teacherof rhetoric, in the collegesof St. Francis-Xavier andSt.John's, New York City,after which he went to England,and spent four yearsin theological studies, andwas ordained priest, September23rd, 1883. I fl X 885,he came to Winnipeg, andwas appointed professor inSt. Boniface College, and amember of the Council andBoard of Studies of ManitobaUniversity. In 1890,he was called to Montreal,to take charge of St. Mary'sCollege and of Gesu Church. Theseinstitutions greatly prospered underhis charge, but his health would notstand the strain, and he again resumedteaching philosophy at St. BonifaceCollege, and his connection withthe University. Notwithstanding thefact that the greater part of his time isdevoted to teaching, yet he is wellknown as a preacher and lecturer,"whose favorite theme is the sweetreasonableness of true Christianity."Father Drummond is a man of variedexperience and information, a strongwriter and accurate thinker, a ripescholar, just and eloquent.

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