Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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346 MKNH. S.7Y BESSETTE, General^T\ Merchant, Magog, Qtie., wasV> born July 3rd, 1859, in Richelieu,P.Q. He is a son of N. D. D.Bessette, N. P., one of the oldest andbest known citizens of Richelieu. Mr.Bessette is also a nephewof the wellknownM. A. Bessette, ex-M. P. forShefford County. His mother's maidenname was Stubinger, who is descendedfrom an old and distinguished family,in Germany. Mr. Bessette <strong>com</strong>mencedhis education in Richelieu, but at anearly age removed to Lougueuil, wherehe spent five years in the High School.In 1875, he entered the establishmentof Hon. P. E. Roy, M.L.C., at St. Pie,Que., with whom he remained for thirteenyears, and rose to the position ofhead manager. In 1889, he went intobusiness at Magog, on his own account.In 1892, he was elected president ofthe Board of School trustees. He is amember of the I.O.F., and has beenVice-Chief Rangerin that order. Inpolitics, he is a Conservative, and is aforcible and pointed political speaker.Mr. Bessette was married, in 1882, toEmma, daughter of N. Bertrand, merchantof St. Liboire, P.Q. His familyconsists of five children. In religion,Mr. Bessette is a Roman Catholic.

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