Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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344 MEN CANADA.WILLIAM MAC-CHARLES, M.D., C.M., Prac-M.D., C.M. In July of that year, heremoved to Manitoba, and settled atticing Physician and Surgeon,Cypress River, Man., was born mained, and has succeeded in workingCypress River, where he has since re-November 28th, 1858, at Middle River up a large and highly satisfactory practice,and winning the confidence of theSettlement, Victoria County, NovaScotia. He is the son of Malcolm and public. He is well qualified by educationfor his important profession, andMargaret (Mackay) MacCharles, nativesof Scotland, and farmers. His from his past record, will doubtlessfather died at the age of 74 years, and stand high in the medical world. Inhis mother is still living at the age of religion, the Doctor is a member of the79, (1893). Dr. MacCharles was educatedat the public schools of his birth Conservative. He was married, JulyPresbyterian Church, and in politics, aplace, Pictou Academy, Dalhousie University,graduating from the latter in-MacLean, daughter of Donald Mac-i4th, 1892, to Miss Florence Armeniastitution in 1892, with the degree ofLean, of Middle River, Nova Scotia.

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