Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK CANADA. 343JOHN NEVILLE ARMSTRONG,Barrister, North Sydney, N.S.,was born at Sydney Mines, N.S.,June 28th, 1854. His parents wereJames Armstrong and Catherine Neville,whose brother, John M. Neville,after whom the subject of this sketchis named, on leaving his native provincein 1849, became the founder ofone of the leading manufacturing establishmentsin San Francisco. Mr.Armstrong was educated at the HighSchool, North Sydney, and for sometime attended Harvard University,Cambridge, Mass. He taught in theHigh School, North Sydney, for severalyears, and in 1885, at incorporation,was appointed town clerk, and treasurerof North Sydney, and is a memberof the well-known law firm of Archibaldand Armstrong. Mr. Armstrongis also secretary of the Board ofSchool Commissioners, and takes anactive interest in educational matters.He is president of the Liberal Associationof the County of Cape Breton.In religion, he is a Baptist. He wasmarried January, 1890, to Jennie E.Rice, who graduated in both musicaland literary courses, in Acadia Seminary,Wolfville, N.S., in June, 1888.His family consists of two children.

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