Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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\\/ A. WEIR, Managerof theImperial Bank of Canada,Rat Portage, Out, was born near Gl&sgow,Scotland, in 1862. His father,Patrick Weir, Esq., of Lower Strathspey,Scotland, is a gentleman highlyesteemed and widely known, not onlyon account of his pronounced politicalviews, but also as a descendant of oneof the oldest families of that district.A younger brother of Patrick Weir's,was the late George Weir, LL.D., atone time professor of Classical Literaturein Queen's College, Kingstou, andlatterly in Morrin College, Quebec.W. Mr.A. Weir received his early educationat Aberlour, Strathspey.He then attendedthe old Aberdeen GrammarSchool, and finally <strong>com</strong>pletedhis studies at AberdeenUniversity. In 1882,he came to Canada and enteredthe banking professionat Quebec, obtaining a positionin the Quebec Bank,which he left in 1884, toaccept a position in the ImperialBank of Canada, andafter having risen somewhatrapidly through various positionsin Toronto, Gait andelsewhere, he was in February,1890, appointed managerof the Fergus Branch,and in September, 1891,was promoted to his presentposition. At the close ofhis short stay in Fergus,his sterling worth and unfailingcourtesy received apleasant and hearty tribute.Nor is he filling his presentarduous position less satisfactorily.Mr. Weir, inpolitics, is a staunch Conservative,but pressure ofbusiness prevents his takingany active part in political matters. Inreligion, he is a Presbyterian. He isalso a member of the A.F. & A.M. Mr.Weir was married, in 1889, to Josephine,daughter of the late George Van Felsou,M.D., of Quebec, and grand-daughterof the late Hon. Judge Van Felson,S. C., of Quebec, who was an intimatepersonal friend of the late Duke ofKent (father of Her Majesty), duringhis residence in Canada. His familyconsists of one son and one daughter.Mr. Weir is a voluminous reader of notonly works pertaining to theoreticalbanking, but also of historical subjectsand leading current topics.

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