Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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340 CANADA.JOHN FRASER CALDWELL,Miningman, Lake of the Woods,Winnipeg, Man., was born Aprili4tli, 1852, in Lanark County, Ont.His parents, John and Mary ProbieMackenzie (Fraser) Caldwell, are bothliving and reside in Montreal, wherethey are held in the highest esteem,his father being a retired timber merchant,whose family name is wellknown in connection with the famousStreams Bill. Mr. Caldwell receivedan excellent education at the MontrealHigh School, where he put in six yearshard study. When seventeen years ofage, he entered the Military School,where he obtained a certificate.He afterwards joinedthe Montreal (Volunteer)Victoria Rifles, and went tothe front. He was also forsome time attached to a provisionalbattalion in Montreal.In his early manhood,Mr. Caldwell attended Dr.Girdwood's classes in chemistry,and spent some monthsin the laboratory of a chemist,all of which training henow finds very helpful tohim. In 1876, he went toWinnipeg, where for someyears he conducted a wholesaleand retail drug business.For the last four orfive years, he has been operatingin his present field,latterly as owner of the SultanaMine, whose productsare now exciting unusualinterest among capitalists.The future historian of theRainy River District mustpay a tribute to the foresight,courage and doggedperseverance of this pioneerminer, who, in spite of naturalobstacles (hard andrefractory ore), Government restrictions,both Provincial and Federal, adversecriticisms of a number of miningexperts, heavy railway rates, etc., isproving to the mining world that goldis present in paying quantities in thatregion. The present development ofthis important industry is entirely dueto the keen perception and persistentcourage of Mr. Caldwell, who has succeededagainst great odds. On the28th of December, 1882, he was marriedto Mary Everett Wallbridge, niece ofthe late Chief Justice of Manitoba. Hisfamily consists of two sons and twodaughters.

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